BIA aka Bioelectrical Impedance Assessment
This is a very simple test to implement, although it still requires you to have access to a handheld BIA device. This isn't as cheap of an option as skinfold calipers or even paying to have someone get a DEXA scan once ($50-100 depending what lab you go to). This specific device is close to $400 dollars although there are much cheaper and likely less accurate BIA tools around $20 dollars. There are also much more expensive BIA tools like the InBody 570 well into the thousands, that definitely have better accuracy. The thing to remember is to standardize your testing process. Use the exact same tool for your client on the Post-test as you did your Pre-test.
1.Prepare the client for the test:
Measure height and weight and gather gender and age information.
2. Ensure client has not eaten within 4 hours of test or exercised within 12 hours
3. Input client information into BIA and begin test.
4. Ensure client holds arms straight out from body parallel to ground for duration of the test.